Sharon is Partners with


Edesia’s mission is to treat and prevent malnutrition for the world’s most vulnerable children; our vision is a world in which all people have access to the basic human right of food and nutrition. We are committed to assuring that vulnerable individuals no longer suffer and die needlessly from malnutrition – a completely preventable condition. We treat all children as our own, and produce for them the lifesaving tools they need to overcome malnutrition and thrive. We act now, because the cost of inaction is too great.


On her travels around the world as a World Food Programme (WFP) Honorary Spokesperson, Lauren Bush Lauren witnessed the effects of hunger firsthand. In places like Cambodia, Chad and Guatemala, she saw a program making a dent in child hunger malnutrition: school meals. When a child is given a free, nutritious school lunch, it can break the cycle of poverty she was born into and empower her to change her own life.

FEED was founded in 2007 with the simple idea of creating products that would engage people in the fight against hunger in a tangible way. Every one of their products has a number stamped on it that signifies the amount of meals or micronutrient packets provided with its purchase. Eight years later, they’ve built a movement connecting customers to the cause, one bag at a time.

Theodore Roosevelt Association

The Theodore Roosevelt Association is a historical and public service organization dedicated to perpetuating the memory and ideals of Theodore Roosevelt. While looking back at Roosevelt’s life, times, and legacy, we have our sights on the future through programs that recognize brave and gifted individuals, inspire public service, bring comfort to sick children and develop tomorrow’s leaders.

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