
Cristo Rey Network Fundraiser to Be Hosted by Philanthropist Sharon Bush

February 20th, 2019- This year, on April 4th, noted philanthropist and humanitarian, Sharon Bush, Development Director for Cristo Rey Brooklyn High School, will be hosting the Cristo Rey Network fundraiser in Palm Beach, Florida. The event, at the Wally Findlay Gallery’s private terrace…(continue reading)


Family of President George H.W. Bush sends care packages to service members in Afghanistan

December 24th, 2018- LAKE WORTH, Fla. — Just a few weeks after our country mourned President George H.W. Bush’s death, members of his extended family wrapped up presents on Christmas Eve in his honor to benefit those whom the late President appreciated….(continue reading)


Home is Where the Heart is

November 6th, 2018-

She started them young.

Sharon Bush realized early on that her three children, as members of the Bush dynasty, would live in the spotlight. They could look forward to a life of advantage and opportunity, but Sharon also saw risk. (continue reading)


How Sharon Bush Is Making Major Changes

October 17th, 2018- As a member of an American dynasty, the Bush family, Sharon Bush could have enjoyed all the privileges of her connections, but instead, she helped kick off several major trends in business, trends that her children have followed. Today, Sharon is one of a number of people participating in….(continue reading)


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