Organizations Sharon Bush Supports

Protein Matrix

Protein Matrix is a next generation plant-based compound designed to remediate environmental pollution in wastewater treatment infrastructures. This non-toxic compound allows for a safe way to effectively remove fat, oil and grease buildup (FOG) from pipes, interceptors, sewers, and lift stations. In removing these harmful substances, Protein Matrix becomes an environmentally-benign byproduct that is compatible with sewage water treatment system infrastructure and processes. This flowable byproduct is non-foaming, will never re-agglomerate, and is more easily digested by wastewater treatment plant organisms.

As head of business development, Sharon Bush is working to bring the benefits of cleaner water to treatment plants around the country. With the simple introduction of Protein Matrix, expensive pipeline maintenance and extensive FOG compliance programs become a problem of the past.


UN Woman for Peace

The UN Women for Peace Association (UNWFPA) was founded in 2008, under the patronage of H.E. Mrs. Ban Soon-taek, the wife of UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. UNWFPA helps to advance the goals of academic and charitable organizations that provide opportunities for women to partake in the global peace building process through social, cultural, educational and women empowerment programs.

UNWFPA is committed to the prevention of violence against women and girls, to the provision of services to those affected by violence, to strengthening the implementation of laws and policies against violence, and to the empowerment of women in countries and societies where they are under-advantaged. We achieve this by raising funds for the United Nations Trust Fund to End Violence Against Women. The UN Trust Fund, established by the General Assembly in 1996 and managed by UN Women, focuses in particular on developing countries, countries in conflict, and post-conflict settings.

As a board member for UNWFPA, Sharon Bush strives to improve the living conditions of women, children and families, practicing the principles she instilled in her own children.

Teddy Share

Teddy Share uses profits from the sale of teddy bears to provide vital nutrients to malnourished children in Africa. Each teddy bear purchase not only brings joy to the child who receives it, but it also supplies Plumpy’Nut nutritional supplements to children in need. Teddy Share Bears teach the value of sharing by example, making the world a better place-  one bear at a time. By partnering with FEED, Edesia, and the Teddy Roosevelt Foundation, Teddy Shares has extended its reach to even more children globally.

As founder and CEO of Teddy Share, Sharon Bush has had a lasting impact on charitable giving models that generate real world solutions for mitigating the global hunger epidemic.

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